Book of the month: October October
In the year that changes everything, October fights to find the space to be wild in the chaos of the world beyond the woods.
Moat students compete in Leicestershire Science and Technology Challenge Day
On Wednesday, 29th June 2022, 12 of our students across Computer Science, Design and Science were selected to take part in a national competition competing against other schools.
Moat is a Refugees Welcome School
Moat has been recognised for its commitment to: 1. A Refugee Welcome Plan. 2. A Refugee Awareness Plan. 3. A Refugee Action Plan.
Uniform Direct late night opening Mon 4 June - Thu 7 July
Uniform direct will be offering late night opening hours from Monday 4th July 2022 - Thursday 7th July 2022 until 8.30pm. By extending their opening hours on these dates, it gives parents the opportunity to purchase uniform early ready for the return to school in August, and the flexibility to come into store outside the normal operating times when their visit can be planned around work, meals or other activities. The store is located at 54 Humberstone Gate, Leicester.
Leicester Tigers offering special prices
Leicester City Council Letter May 2021
Leicester City Council's Martin Samuels (Strategic Director Social Care and Education) and Ivan Brown (Director of Public Health) have written a letter to all parents and carers