Science Curriculum Intent

At KS3 (Years 7 and 8), all students follow the National Curriculum and study science building on from their prior knowledge at KS2. At KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11), all students study the GCSE Combined Science either at Higher (9-4) or Foundation (5-1) level following the Edexcel exam board curriculum. We also offer Entry Level Certificate (ELC) to some students, who can then go onto GCSE courses. 

In Years 7 and 8, students study human anatomy, ecosystems, particle models, chemical reactions, energy and matter, waves and electricity, all of which are key concepts within science. In addition, knowledge organisers are used to retain prior information and key ideas. Practical lessons are embedded within the teaching of these concepts as they develop the skills required for KS4. Practical lessons also help students develop a sense of excitement and scientific curiosity. Students are continuously assessed at KS3 through end of topic tests and home learning. At KS4 students study the concepts introduced at KS3 in more detail and at a higher level, through theory lessons and GCSE core practicals. At KS4 assessments are through end of topic tests, home learning, workbooks and externally assessed exams. All students are able to access the same curriculum as the department makes use of differentiated materials and tasks.

The department ensures extra-curricular development of students through STEM events, university trips, science clubs, Crest awards and the British Science week.  This helps students develop cultural capital and ensures that they have a better understanding of the importance of science in the wider world.

Science Information

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