PE Curriculum Intent

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students follow a broad and balanced range of activities in line with the following areas of the national curriculum:
Movement, using skills and tactics, competition, co-operation, challenge, analysis and evaluation, preparation for life and participation, and health and fitness

The curriculum meets the needs of all abilities and aims to develop the cultural capital of students and enable them to recognise how PE impacts on their everyday life, including academic progress.

During Years 7, 8 and 9, students are expected to develop their skill base in both games and movement-based activities, along with their ability to apply these skills to the game situation and into compositional work.

Sports covered in the first three years:

Year 7

Hockey, basketball, gymnastics, dance, badminton, athletics, cricket (boys) and rounders

Year 8

Football, basketball, gymnastics, dance, badminton, athletics, cricket (boys) and rounders

Year 9

Football, basketball, gymnastics, dance (girls), rugby (boys) badminton, athletics, cricket (boys) and rounders

Students are given feedback in lessons and have an assessment at the end of every five week block of activities.

In Years 10 and 11, the emphasis is on participation and enjoyment to promote a prolonged interest in sport and physical activity, as well as inspiring students to commit to a healthy lifestyle. They are given the opportunity to continue their knowledge and understanding of the sports covered in Years 7, 8 and 9. They are encouraged to undertake different roles such as performer, coach and official.

In year 10, students can study to qualify for these sport specific leadership awards;
The Basketball Activators Award and the Badminton Young Helpers Award.
Our learners’ ability to plan, organise and lead a group of primary school pupils is also assessed. During the year, they will also participate in dance (girls), rugby (boys), football and fitness

In Year 11, the choice of activities is more recreational-based and includes volleyball, football, rugby, basketball and fitness. In addition to this, students are given the option to take part in climbing and kickboxing. Students will also be able to visit a leisure centre and an outdoor pursuits centre.

In addition to core PE, Year 9 students can opt for a three year course in BTEC Sports Studies. This is practically based course, where students have the opportunity to develop the skills used in activities. As well, they can improve their tactical performance and their techniques and understanding of assessment through coaching and officiating.

PE Information

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