Music Curriculum Intent

The Music Department prepares our students to be creative and resilient individuals to confidently engage with the wider world and develop their character. Students are challenged to think, act and speak like those working in the field. We do this through quality first teaching which challenges our students to not only understand different styles and cultures of music, but requires them to explore, discuss and demonstrate this understanding in creative ways. We promote independent learning and practical skills and provide opportunities for peer reflection and self-correction through performance and compositions. 

At KS3 (Years 7 and 8), we follow the National Curriculum and students acquire the understanding, creativity and skills they need to understand a wide variety of styles, instruments, performance and composition techniques. Developing the confidence of our students is another vital part of our curriculum and students are frequently challenged to showcase their skills.

At KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11), students work towards achieving mastery of their chosen instrument and area of expertise. We encourage students to appraise and listen to a wide range of musical styles through regular exposure. They are challenged and stretched by an expectation that they can justify their opinions using musical understanding. We build on more traditional performance and composition skills from the beginning of KS3 so that the skill requirement of the GCSE curriculum is more accessible. 

Students are fully supported in their learning through a variety of strategies. All students are provided with knowledge organisers which promotes independence in their learning. Students are supported in the classroom through a range of strategies, according to their individual needs and have access to extra-curricular activities such as peripatetic lessons and music clubs. 

Progress and attainment are tracked through a rigorous system of assessment. Students are assessed for every scheme of learning. There is also an opportunity to undertake Graded music exams from the Rock school syllabus.

Music Information

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