Geography Curriculum Intent

At KS3 (Years 7 and 8), all students follow the National Curriculum. At KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11) all students study GCSE OCR B Geography. We deliver a sequence of learning that builds on prior KS2 knowledge during KS3. KS3 learning embeds key knowledge and skills enabling learners to progress into KS4 and prepare for GCSE.

Learning is knowledge and skills based in the department. Students learn through the use of key concepts and relate these to a variety of case studies from local to global scale. Concepts include physical geography, covering a wide variety of landforms and events, as well as human and environmental geography which develop learners’ understanding about our impact on the planet and the need for sustainable development. Skills are developed in the classroom and while undertaking local and residential fieldwork enquiries.

Progress and attainment are tracked through a system of self, peer and teacher assessment. Students are tested throughout the course and sit end of unit assessments. Assessment tasks in KS3 develop the understanding and techniques required in the GCSE, enabling pupils to continue their progression into KS4. Students take mock GCSE exams in Year 10 and in Year 11, so that they are thoroughly prepared for the OCR B GCSE. 

EAL and SEND students can access the curriculum through learning that is suitable to their prior knowledge and skills. As learners study geography, they learn about different world societies and challenges faced. This provides a hugely valuable cultural capital for our students, encouraging their growth as global citizens and helping them to understand and empathise.

History Curriculum Intent

The aim of the Moat history curriculum is to inspire students to take a greater interest in history, to enjoy historical learning and to become competent historians.

At KS3, Years 7 and 8 students follow the National Curriculum. Students complete a range of topics such as ‘Prehistoric Britain’ and ‘The Holocaust’ which introduce them to a range of historical periods and geographical locations. The curriculum considers the Moat context and pertinent subject matter such as the role of Muslim soldiers in WW1 and slavery is included.

The learning builds on the KS2 curriculum by offering a contrast in subject matter and being appropriately challenging for our students. The first unit in Year7 introduces students to the skills or concepts they will need at GCSE including using chronology and making inferences. These skills are then developed over the course. All assessments are GCSE exam questions with appropriate scaffolding, to ensure students are well prepared for GCSE study.

At KS4, Years 9, 10 and 11 students follow the Edexcel history GCSE specification. Four units are completed in an interleaved style; Weimar and Nazi Germany, Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, Medicine Through Time and the American West. The exam questions skills learnt in Years 7 and 8 are developed further, with students being supported to answer GCSE questions in an increasingly independent way. The curriculum in all five year groups balances the development of key historical skills and content.

Through careful lesson planning and the appropriate selection of content, most students can access the history curriculum. A number of additional resources are provided to students and both foundation and standard text books are used. A number of trips supplement to curriculum such as a visit to Cresswell Crags for Year 7 and Warwick castle for Year 9. 

Humanities Information

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