
GCSE Citizenship is taught in Years 9-11. Students have the opportunity to develop the skills required for the course in Year 8 and via some tutorial content.

Citizenship is about how people take an active part in democratic politics and work together for a better society, locally, nationally and globally.  Students learn about power, democracy, the operation of government and the legal system, and the role of the UK in the wider world. students explore and learn about different controversial and topical issues with political, social, ethical, economic and environmental dimensions in local to global contexts. They are also given the experience of taking citizenship action and learn from trying to make a difference yourself.

Careers and PSHE

It is our belief that careers and personal development education enables young people to make informed choices throughout their lives therefore it is important that they are provided with the best careers information and guidance (CEIAG).

At Moat Community College, we have different systemic approaches to careers-related learning from years 7 to 11. These include specialist careers-based lessons in Years 8 and 10. In addition to this, the tutorial programme supports Years 7, 9 and 11 with their careers-based education.  Additional careers-related learning experiences include; assemblies, visits, visiting speakers, work experience and the use of alumni to work with current students.  All of our students in Year 10 are expected to take part in work experience. This provides genuine work-related learning and further develops their employability skills.

It is also our belief that teaching careers through the various subjects in the curriculum raises aspirations and enhances achievement. All of our students have high quality, impartial careers guidance to encourage them to be well-informed when making subject and career decisions that will benefit their own well-being and contribute to the wellbeing of others.  We believe all of our students should participate in a range of activities to develop their employability skills, preparing them for an appropriate.  We want to inspire our students to overcome barriers, achieve social mobility and to believe that there should be no limit to their aspirations.

All of these opportunities at Moat allow us to develop a skilled workforce for the future that are prepared, flexible and adaptable for the changing nature of employment, therefore we take labour market information (LMI) into consideration.

PDE Curriculum Schedule Year 8 and 10


Autumn 1

8 weeks

Autumn 2

8 weeks

Spring 1

6 weeks

Spring 2

6 weeks

Summer 1

6 weeks

Summer 2

6 weeks

Year 8 1.Peace one day Careers including Xello Crime Rights of young people including working rights Diversity and Discrimination including BV Careers Changing world of work. LM
  2.What is Citizenship Subjects into careers Street Children      
Year 10 Careers Research (new version) Employability Financial Literacy Work Experience

Careers, Citizenship and PSHE Information

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