Take a look at our fantastic Christmas menu
Christmas lunches from Monday 12th - Wednesday 14th December
Book of the month December 2022: Silence is Not an Option: You can Impact the World for Change
Silence is NEVER an option – stand up, speak out, be the difference. In this book, Stuart Lawrence talks about what he has learned from life – the tools that have helped him live positively and kept him moving forwards when times have been tough.
Notice for Year 11 leavers - Summer 2022 Examination certificates
Please collect your Examination Certificates from Moat Community College on Tuesday 29th November 2022. Certificates will be given out in the Theatre between 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Please ensure you bring some form of Photo ID with you. If someone else is collecting certificates on your behalf, please ensure that they have written permission from you to do so, along with your signature. Certificates that are not collected will be kept for 12 months.
Book of the month November 2022: The Secret in the Tower
An interesting take on one of the great mysteries of British royal history: what happened to the princes in the Tower? Andrew Beattie presents a new twist to the mystery, one that is thoroughly fun to read.
Book of the month October 2022: The Girl who became a tree
There is so much for adults and children alike to enjoy in this story told in poems, which tugs at the heartstrings and inspires in equal measure.
World's biggest coffee morning 29th September
Many thanks to all our wonderful bakers, fakers and cake-eaters for making our #MacmillanCoffeeMorning such a success today. #macmillan #macmillancancersupport #WorldsBiggestCoffeeMorning
Year 7 2023 student open evening
Moat Community College staff and students welcome future year 7 superstars to our annual open evening. Thursday 29th September 4-6 pm. Come along and see what it feels like to be a part of our Moat family.
Free screening of 'The Ants and the Grasshopper' climate action film
Come and see a free screening of this thought-provoking film. Bring a friend and discuss the issues raised over free cake and coffee afterwards.
Book of the month September 2022: Queen Elizabeth II
Moat Community College joins with people across the globe in sharing our sorrow at the death of Her Majesty The Queen.
Arrangements for the Funeral of Her Majesty The Queen
Moat CC will be closed on Monday 19th September for the Queen’s Funeral. As a school, we would like to pay tribute to Her Majesty the Queen. Her many years of service and leadership are an example to us all.