
At Moat Community College, we believe that all staff and students have the right to work in a safe, courteous, stimulating and happy environment, conducive to effective learning for all. We are all entitled to strive towards Maximising Our Achievements Together.

Every member of the school community has a responsibility for behaviour and everyone has the right to feel valued and respected.

We believe that promoting good behaviour and discipline in students should be a partnership between home and college and we at Moat Community College seek to reinforce the attitudes, courtesies and disciplined behaviour that begin at home with responsible parents.

It is also our belief that good behaviour needs to be consistently and positively encouraged, valued and rewarded using both formal and informal rewards and approaches.

Similarly, poor behaviour needs to be challenged and, where necessary, to result in sanctions.

In all aspects of our work towards appropriate behaviour in college, we recognise that all students are individuals with different backgrounds and abilities, and that any appropriate action taken should support the growth of the individual.

Policy aims

This policy aims to draw together the various strands of behaviour management in the college by:

  • Defining a positive, whole-school, ethos towards behaviour
  • Defining the roles and responsibilities of each member of the school community
  • Providing guidance upon the implementation of a consistent approach to positive behaviour management
  • Providing guidance and support for staff when dealing with inappropriate behaviour.

Roles and responsibilities

The principal and senior leadership team will ensure that:

  • High standards of behaviour are encouraged at all times.
  • The pastoral system is supported by line managing the YACs and/ or supporting staff through on-call and daily duty procedures.
  • The behaviour policy is applied consistently across the college.

Staff will ensure that:

  • Moat is a welcoming environment for parents, students and staff.
  • Moat is a safe and secure place of learning.
  • Parents are informed on the first day of unknown absence if their child is not in school.
  • Parents are informed if their child is not following Moat’s expectations.
  • Students are rewarded who make good progress and show good behaviour.
  • Parents receive reports about their child’s academic progress at least twice a year.
  • Staff mark students’ work regularly and look after it.
  • Parents are informed about achievements and opportunities through the termly newsletter and through the college website

Students will be expected to:

  • Attend Moat as often as they can and should, and be on time for all activities.
  • Wear the correct Moat uniform.
  • Have the right equipment for all lessons.
  • Always follow instructions and live up to the college’s expectations.
  • Listen carefully in class and not talk over others.
  • Show good manners through their speech and behaviour and distance themselves from all forms of bullying, including racism.
  • Complete classwork and homework to the best of their ability.
  • Not use their phone in lessons.
  • Look after and respect the college and its property.

Parents will be encouraged to:

  • Ensure that their son/daughter attends regularly and is on time.
  • Ensure that their son/daughter has a bag, pens, pencils, ruler and planner every day.
  • Ensure that their son/daughter wears the correct college uniform.
  • Encourage their son/daughter to take advantage of all learning opportunities.
  • Inform the college by phone if their son/daughter is unwell or send a note.
  • Inform the college of any change in address, telephone number etc
  • Support the college procedures for managing poor behaviour.
  • Support their son/daughter by attending parentsu2019 evenings.
  • Support their son/daughter by avoiding extended travel overseas during term time.

The governing body will:

Support the school in its efforts to address issues related to behaviour.


The college has a clear structure to follow when dealing with sanctions and rewards.

All students and teaching rooms will have a copy of the behaviour chart explaining the clear structure and stages of sanctions and rewards. This includes the school rules which are linked to the home school agreement, the LLNB (lower level negative behaviour) process, the staged report system and the rewards structure. This chart will also be shared with parents. This is intended to help students and parents understand the policy and ensure that it is fair and equal.

  • Students have a copy of the behaviour chart and the home school agreement in their planner.
  • Tutorial work at the start of each year will reinforce behaviour expectations.
  • Staff are clear as to their roles and responsibilities at each stage of the process.
  • Parents will be informed if their child gets to stage two or three, and they are sent copies of their childu2019s report during and at the end of the process.
  • Whole school detention is staffed on a rota basis for those students failing to fulfil their stage two and stage three reports.

Monitoring and evaluation

The governing body will evaluate the impact of this policy by receiving data from the Principal analysed by year group, gender and ethnicity on:

  • Number and range of rewards for good behaviour
  • Number of internal, fixed-term and permanent exclusions
  • Number of detentions and other analyses of behaviour
  • Instances of bullying and action taken

Prior to any review of the policy, feedback will be sought from the student council, staff and parents on the effectiveness of the policy.

Behaviour in the college

1) Departmental behaviour management

The college’s Teaching and Learning policy makes clear the expectations of staff for an orderly, dynamic and effective teaching and learning environment in every classroom.

Each department establishes their own routines and procedures for behaviour management and rewards, reflecting and supporting the college behaviour policy. Departments will follow through the stages of the procedure.

In the first instance, classroom teachers are responsible for ensuring that behaviour is conducive to good teaching and learning, supported by the Head of Department where required.

2) Incidents of poor behaviour beyond curriculum lessons

Behaviour in corridors and elsewhere outside the classroom (eg at break time or lunchtime, or after school) is managed through the pastoral system of the college, including lunchtime supervisors, support staff, duty teachers, tutors, Year Achievement Co-ordinators and senior staff on duty and with Key Stage responsibility. A referral system operates in order for all staff to make clear decisions about the appropriate member of staff to deal with an incident.

Form tutors play an important role in supporting good behaviour in the college, through their role as first contact in the pastoral structure, and through focused tutoring.

Incidents of poor behaviour are dealt with individually by the appropriate member of staff with responsibility. Investigations take place to establish an outcome that will involve students both understanding what they have done wrong and also how to put it right if they can. Where necessary, students will face sanctions from the appropriate member of staff.

At break and lunch time, staff use the On-call system to deal with serious breaches of discipline outside the classroom. On other occasions, staff will refer directly to a senior member of staff who is on duty if an incident merits this.

Year Achievement Co-ordinators and Heads of Departments will work with students to find solutions to their behavioural needs. These may include putting a student on report, contacting parents for meetings, liaising with senior staff, making telephone calls home and writing to parents.

YACs may make referrals (and vice-versa) to other members of the pastoral team, eg Mentors, Learning Support, the School Nurse etc.

3) Incidents of serious misconduct

Students may be referred directly to a member of the SLT should their behaviour represent serious misconduct.

The SLT members with responsibility for KS3/4 will deal with such incidents, or repeated behavioural concerns.

On occasions, Assistant Principals will follow through incidents of serious misconduct to their conclusion, with sanctions etc.

The full range of pastoral approaches and sanctions may be taken by the SLT members with responsibility for KS3/4 in dealing with persistent or one-off behaviour problems. These include fixed-term exclusion, alternative curriculum provision, internal exclusion in the college’s Inclusion Unit, Pastoral Support Programmes at Levels 1 and 2, and other measures tailor-made for the individual’s needs.

All students are made aware through their planner that bullying and other unacceptable behaviours will not be tolerated.

Senior staff have the right to delete any images on phones/cameras if they reasonably suspect that these images will be used to upset another individual.

Students may also be searched by senior staff if they have a reasonable suspicion that a student has stolen something or is in possession of something which has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause injury or damage the property of another individual.

Ideally the student will be searched by two staff members of the same sex as the student.

Behaviour management outside the college

It is important to note that as a college we have the right to regulate students’ behaviour when they are outside of the college, for instance on school business such as trips, work experience, etc. This is also true of journeys to and from school.

The college reserves the right to remove students from trips if their behaviour in school is poor, as these students may jeopardise the safety of other students on the trip, by taking up staff time and attention.

We are also able to exclude a student if poor behaviour has taken place outside of school, not on school business, if there is a clear link between that behaviour and maintaining good behaviour and discipline among the pupil body as a whole.

For further details please see DfE guidance document: Guidance on Exclusions from Schools or click below for the College’s Behaviour Policy.

Behaviour Information

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