Design Technology Curriculum Intent

In design technology we foster imaginative thinking skills, creativity and technical challenge to develop confidence and independence through an iterative design approach. 

The design technology curriculum is a progressive model taking into account national curriculum orders (2014) for Years 7 and 8 that build upon subject skills and knowledge developed in earlier key stages.

All students develop practical skills and demonstrate knowledge and understanding in textiles, engineering, electronics, robotics, graphics, CAD and mechanisms. Our students are encouraged to talk about the way things work, critically evaluate and explore through analysis, disassembly, testing and prototyping. Students engage with tools, machines and processes to make products for different users.

Cooking & nutrition is taught as a separate subject within design technology. Our students learn how to cook competently and apply principles of nutrition and healthy eating, building an understanding of the functions of ingredients through recipes in a dedicated food environment. Cooking skills are practised safely and students are given tools to become self-directed learners enabling them to develop the skills and knowlege necessary for the  GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition qualification. 

In all areas of design, students are taught how to self-assess their knowledge and understanding at the end of each lesson. There is contnious Informal verbal assessment and there are formal written assessments at four points in the year.

SEN students are able to access design and technology because projects are adaptable and differentiated through outcome, the level of teacher support needed and differentiated tasks. 

Pupil premium students are provided for as tools, equipment and materials are made available and there are learning opportunities outside of normal curriculum time. Cultural capital is brought to our students through having regular discussions of iconic designers, products, environmental issues and the impact involved in design and technology developments including manufacturing. An understanding of how key events in design and technology have shaped the world gives context to the relevance and importance of the subject with an emphasis on technological products and processes and their contribution to society.

In KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11), all students can develop an increased self-reliance, demonstrating independent learning skills and use of self-directed knowledge acquisition. Knowledge organisers are key to coursework components and exam revision progress.

Students are able to study the following examination courses:
GCSE Design Technology (9-1) OCR
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition AQA
NCFE - Technical Award Level 1 & 2 Engineering Studies

Design Technology Information

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