Closures Due to Strike Action by the NEU
You will probably be aware that members of the National Education Union (NEU) have voted to take strike action. This is part of a national dispute and will impact on all schools in the country.
The NEU is the largest teachers’ union and has a significant number of members at Moat CC.
Unfortunately, we will only be able to have year 11 students in school on the days of the strike.
All other students should take part in on-line learning.
We will, however, be asking Year 10 students to come into school on Tuesday 2nd May from 8.30am until 10.30am. This is to allow them to take part in an English Literature revision lecture in the school theatre, to prepare for their GCSE exam.
Year 10 students will be released to return home at 10.30am.
The reason for these difficult decisions is that we will not have enough staff to run the school safely and effectively.
The next days of strike action have been called for Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.
I recognise that this might cause inconvenience to our families. However, staff who are available to work in school will be providing online education and will be teaching year 11.
On Strike days we are expecting students to follow these instructions:
- Year 11 students should be in school as normal, in school uniform and with their usual equipment. They should also bring revision materials to school with them, as there may be some lessons where they are asked to do supervised private study.
- Years 7 to 10 should check their Teams calendar and log into lessons. Where teachers are available, they will be teaching live lessons and setting work. Staff will be taking registers of attendance at live lessons. We do expect students to attend.
- For some of the lessons, teachers will not be available to set work. If this is the case, your child should use their Knowledge Organisers to do revision and/or read.
We will be in touch directly with families whose children are entitled to Free School Meals about arrangements during the closure days.
We have a good working relationship with our NEU Union Representatives at Moat CC and will continue to work closely together.
We will let you know if anything changes around the strike action.
We will send out regular reminders concerning all closure days.
We will also brief students so that they are aware of what is expected of them, when the school is closed.