Dear Parent/Carer,
As you are aware, we have suffered a tragedy last week, one of our students has passed away. We are all shocked by this and the school community is grieving. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the student. We will do everything we can to support them in the coming months. Staff and students are devastated by this event. We have spent the last few days doing our very best to support students in their grief. As a staff group, we have also tried to look after each other. The Local Authority sent a team of Educational Phycologists to the school. They have met with staff and students to support them. We are incredibly grateful for their care and support. We will continue to offer support to students in the coming months. We recognise that grief impacts on people at different times and in different ways. Please encourage your child to talk about how they are feeling. It would be normal to feel sad, confused, upset or angry in this situation. It is important to encourage them to discuss these emotions. Please contact the school if you feel that your child needs additional support. We are determined that we will help every child through this situation. We ask that you do not share rumours or speculation about what has happened on social media. Many of these posts contain incorrect information. We have encouraged our students to come together over the last few days in a show of unity and respect. They have displayed sensitivity and kindness. We are very proud of them for the maturity they have shown.
Yours sincerely
Mr B Killeen