7 March 2024

2024 Spring Term Letter 2

Culture Day, the importance of sleep, parental events, end of year exams, extra-curricular activities and behaviour policy

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12 June 2023

2023 Letter to parents 12th June

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you are aware, we have suffered a tragedy last week, one of our students has passed away. We are all shocked by this and the school community is grieving. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the student. We will do everything we can to support them in the…

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23 March 2023

Change to School Hours for 2023/24 - Consultation

Change to School Hours for 2023/24 - Consultation. The government recently changed their guidance around the length of the school day. To ensure that we are compliant we need to lengthen our school day by five minutes from August 2023. This will change our start times as shown. • Doors to the…

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