Welcome from Our Principal

The staff, governors and students would like to welcome you to Moat Community College. Moat is a caring, happy, and supportive learning community. It is also an excellent employer; we care for and value our staff. All staff at Moat are committed to supporting our students to achieve the best possible outcomes; academically and pastorally.

Mr B Killeen


The College

Moat Community College provides a caring and supportive environment. We aim to create and take advantage of all opportunities. We develop students intellectually, physically, morally and socially. We provide an excellent and inclusive academic education, enabling all students to develop their abilities as fully as possible. We support our students to become confident, kind, hard working, tolerant and positive individuals.

Values at Moat

The college has consulted with staff, students, and governors to produce a set of college values.

These will be followed by all members of the college community and will be used to inform all areas of college life. It was very pleasing how much agreement there was between all those consulted on what were the values of the school.

Safeguarding at Moat

Moat Community College fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support students in college. The aim of the college is to safeguard and promote our students’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The students’ welfare is of paramount importance.

Safeguarding is a term which is broader than ‘child protection’ and relates to the action taken to promote the welfare of children and young people up to the age of 18 and to protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Latest News

5 March 2025

Book of the Month March 2025: 'The White Fox' Jackie Morris

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Book of the Month February 2025: 'Blind Date with a Book'

February is the month of love in the reading room. Put your trust in cupid; have a blind date with a book. You may fall in love!

7 January 2025

Book of the Month January: 'You Can Do It - How to find your voice and make a difference' Marcus Rashford

‘When you help one person you give them the power to help someone else. That’s the power of kindness.’